Vicksburg Community Pavilion

A large 40 x 110-ft., 30,000 bd.ft. timber structure to provide a home for the Vicksburg (Michigan) Farmers Market, in Vicksburg's Historic Village, as well as for other events.  The pavilion has been an important part of the town's revitalization efforts.

Local Partner
Town of Vicksburg Parks

Other Partners/sponsors
Vicksburg Historical Society, Lion's Club, Farmer's Market

Local Partner Hero
Margaret Kerchief

Local TFG hero
Chris Newman

Notable aspects
Exceptional community involvement. Education on square rule layout (edge rule and snapline square rule). Mornings were education and afternoons were guided work on the frame.

In-kind donations
Richard Barnes (milling), Karen Hammond (food organizer), Mike and Kathy Becker (wood), Matt and Julie Skryzpele (wood), Tim Moore (forestry), Randy Peters (felling), Matt Schabes (ironwork)

TFG leaders
Alicia Spence; instructors Rick Collins, Isaac McCoy-Sulentic, Tom Nehil; post fabrication Joe Turco



Olga Micinska, Todd Herzog, Sue Moore

Scantlings 179, 182

Click on a photo to enlarge.

Project Short Description

Open-air pavilion

Project Details

  • Location Vicksburg, Michigan
  • Year 2013
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