
Scantlings 222 (July 2019)

Scantlings 222 (July 2019)

President’s message: A busy year. Executive Director's message: Embarking on a new journey. Community Building Workshop: Sunrise Mill. TFG Conference featured speaker: Sarah Susanka. TFG Conference featured speaker: Tedd Benson. TFG Pre-Conference. TFG Conference registration rates and information. Community Building Workshop: Reflections on Lake Roesiger. KidsBuild at Lake Roesiger. Visionary Partners. Why I build. Plan B planning: the design, part 2. Events. Notices. Looking to the future: Electing directors for 2020.

3.06 MB. Published on Jul 16, 2019.

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About Scantlings

Scantlings, our member magazine, appears six times annually, in January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, and November/December. It reports on timber framing events, news, and people; carries columns on issues of interest to members such as apprenticeship, ecology, letters, and business practice; and lists events for both the Guild and its members as well as classified and display ads.
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