TFG Events & Workshops

TTRAG Open Conference & APT-DVC Symposium

Arron Sturgis

Preservation Timber Framing, Founder

Born and raised in Keene NH, Arron attended the University of New Hampshire and graduated in 1983 with a degree in Psychology. Arron began his career of historic preservation in 1987. In 1992, Arron created Preservation Timber Framing, a traditional timber framing company specializing in the structural repair of historic timber framed buildings. In 1998, Arron incorporated PTF with employees Dan Boyle and Tom Glynn who are still working with us today. Slowly and steadily PTF has expanded to a team of seventeen talented craftspeople who are dedicated to the preservation of historic buildings.

Arron serves on the board of Maine Preservation after two terms as president. Maine Preservation is a non-profit preservation advocacy group serving the state of Maine that is dedicated to preserving Maine’s heritage and built environment. He also serves on the board of the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance. Arron has been instrumental in creating and supporting workforce development internships combining hands-on preservation experience and advocacy with two state-wide preservation non-profits.

Arron lives in a traditional timber framed home with his beautiful and artistic wife Michele and two fun cats.


Roundtable: Education in Preservation
We are what we build. We elevate our profession and our trade when we learn from those who have done important work and from those whose skills surpass our own.

This panel is made up of educators who are dedicated to teaching historic preservation, through programs that include hands-on training, immersion training and advocacy, intensive weekend or week-long workshops, and certificate and degree programs of two to four years.

Each panelist will have a few minutes to introduce themselves and their programs. After introductions, each panelist will share their preservation philosophy, why they chose the model they did in their preservation programs, and the challenges and successes they've faced in the development and implementation of their programs.

Moderator: Arron Sturgis, Preservation Timber Framing
Jackson DuBois, Executive Director, Timber Framers Guild
Judy Hayward, Executive Director, Historic Windsor & The Preservation Institute
Joe Lauver, Chief, Division of Architecture and Preservation, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Bureau of Management Services
Jordan Riggs, Recruitment Associate, Campaign for Historic Trades, powered by Preservation Maryland
Moss Rudley, Superintendent, Historic Preservation Training Center (HPTC), National Park Service
Elizabeth Trumbull, Director of Preservation, Facilities and Trades Programs at Eastern State Penitentiary
Sarah Turner, President, North Bennet Street School


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