TFG Events & Workshops

TTRAG Open Conference & APT-DVC Symposium

Janet Kane, P.E.

Janet has been associated with timber frames and timber framers for most of her engineering career. She was lucky to pal around with our venerated Jan Lewandoski to visit many old barns, churches, and covered bridges. A longtime TTRAG member she was the first engineer and woman to join. And just when she was thinking of winding down for an uneventful retirement she married Ben Brungraber - game on.


Lateral Load Paths in Historic Structures
Establishing how loads applied laterally (typically winds and earthquakes) find their way through a structure – from top to foundation – is often more challenging than finding the equivalent paths that gravity-imposed loads follow. This can be even more true when dealing with historic structures; with their traditional sheathing and common subsequent remodeling and deterioration. Examples discussed will include barns, churches (and their steeples), covered bridges, and open pavilions.


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