TFG Events & Workshops

TFG WestFest

Joseph Becker


Vapor-Permeable and Carbon Friendly Wall Envelopes for Timber Framed Buildings
Joseph Becker will discuss vapor permeable wall systems that can be used for wrapping timber framed structures. These alternative, carbon-sequestering materials are comprised of combinations of minerals and cellulose. This family of materials includes cement-coated waste wood, lime-coated hemp, and clay-coated straw. Some of these materials are old world, are having a worldwide and modernized resurgence, and have been used in still-occupied buildings for close to 1000 years. Others are more modern responses and adaptations to our changing world and a shared goal of building better through creating healthy shelters, people-friendly building processes, and ecological culture and communities.

When looking at durability, health, comfort, fire, pest proofing, and sustainability, these systems have the potential to meet, out-perform, and challenge some of the conventional building systems in a broad context. Costs and energy performance can be comparable to conventional energy-efficient building envelopes depending on time horizons, how appropriate the design is, access to skilled project managers, as well as how and by whom the work gets done. Increasing numbers of designers, contractors, and owner/builders are engaging with these methods and materials as they have the potential to weave together great building science, energy efficiency, resource/carbon conservation/sequestration, and least toxic materials.

About Joseph Becker
Joseph Becker studied economics and sociology at the University of Chicago, and has practiced applied sociology, social engineering, and habitual village building for the past 20 years. He is a passionate ecological builder and educator, and is also a representative for and is incubating new ventures with Shelterworks, the manufacturer of the Faswall ICF building block. Joseph specializes in local, natural, and least toxic materials, energy efficiency, and traditional building systems (including wood, earth, straw and lime). He facilitates owner/builder processes while being an active member of the NW Ecobuilding Guild for 18 years where, among other projects, he was the lead instigator behind their Code Innovations Database Project. Joseph balances training and inspiring a new generation of builders while being a partner in raising two children. Joseph’s ultimate hope is to reinforce a sense of place and enhance the world where we live, by working together and participating intimately with the world that sustains us.


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