TFG Events & Workshops

2023 Annual Conference

Yann Giguère

Mokuchi Woodworking, Owner

Now based in Ashland Oregon, Yann Giguère has been a professional woodworker since 1991 and founded Mokuchi Studio in 2008. Originally from the province of Quebec, he came to the US and began his training in Western woodworking at the Maharishi University program for Cabinet and Furniture Making in Fairfield, Iowa. He quickly found inspiration in the Japanese woodworking traditions and hand tools. In 1999, he focused on Japanese techniques by entering a 9-year apprenticeship at the Takumi Company in Seattle with acclaimed woodworker Dale Brotherton. Giguère’s work is unique in the Japanese techniques used for complex joinery and elegant hand-finishing. His design and build experience includes entire timber frame homes, interior features ranging from stairs and shojis to cabinetry, garden structures, and furniture. He is a passionate educator on Japanese tools and techniques that can be incorporated into existing woodworking practices. Since 2013, he has been teaching extensively out of Mokuchi Studio and at various craft schools, namely Penland, Peter’s Valley, Arrowmont, and Snow Farm.


Japanese Centerline Layout
Session on centerline layout.

Overview of Traditional Japanese Timber Framed Buildings: Commonalities and Differences
Yann will speak about the different traditional architectural styles in Japan and how they influence their respective timber frames. Attendees will learn more about identifying the dominant styles of traditional Japanese architecture, how the dominant styles influence residential architecture, the difference in approach between the building scale, and the importance of paying attention to orienting wood members in a structure in relation to their orientation in their tree form. Followed by Q&A and discussion.


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